Empire of sin cheats for xbox one
Empire of sin cheats for xbox one

empire of sin cheats for xbox one

Taking the occasional one over for early cash.Part management sim, part XCOM-like tactics game, Empire of Sin looks to blend a lot of ideas and genres together to craft one massive criminal enterprise. My strategy now is just ransack a shitload of thug rackets. I may be wrong, but it seems even the talents now take 2 or 3 times as long to learn. It has just added 4 or 5 hours per game to get there. If you get to premium or whisky, you can still make good cash. It still lets us trade for epics with other bosses ( always use weapons or items instead of cash if possible in trade). Money was cut back as were specific equipment drops. Even on easy mode, being forced to keep, means I am constantly in a battle. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but grinding 15 bosses is much of a time consuming hassle. That is almost enough to make me leave the last 7 boss's unfinished. I was gonna stack the win10 version but I guess that's a closed book now.I know :( I just finished a play through after 1.05 and it literally added 4 hours of game time. Lots of things changed from the looks of it. They've also locked boss abilities behind xyz number of kills.


Maybe others can still do it offline pre-patch? I'm not really good with how all that works, that stuff used to be much easier on 360. Shame it's patched but something gamebreaking (in our favour) was never going to last long. Was gonna make a post here but I see you've already beat me to it. But yes, early on you can go bankruptcy fast by hiring expensive Mercenaries from the black book. This method serves a dual purpose, for buying thing and not having to deal with all those attacks constantly. A normal game, so much time is spent defending your buildings because every boss goes to war like clockwork. The reason this makes the game easier, is that you do not have to worry about raids, attacks, or faction points. I do not know the optimal point, but early on take over/sell 15-20 thug rackets. Even a $500 profit can be negated by 1 low level mercenary. Basically you need to start out slow and take over/sell the buildings with your starter crew until you get cash rolling in. I am not sure how the hires and salaries are calculated on this, but early on, the hires are literally eating 2 to 10 % weekly cash each. I only own the safehouse and the brewery you start with that you can't sell?MrRollzRoyz is correct. Has this been patched? I took over like 10 rackets, sold them immediatly but I'm still losing 2K per week.


I hope they do not patch these 2 glitches. My boss behind desk never getting attacked. I combined this with the glitch to sell rackets and had 500,000 cash by 1 in game year. If you put you main boss behind the desk in your safe house (which may be your only building owned) for some reason the CPU does not seem to want to attack it. I am sure it will be patched in 1.05Īlso.

empire of sin cheats for xbox one empire of sin cheats for xbox one

And you should be able to barrel through the games acheves. and do the sell racket trick until you are netting 5 to 8k profit a week. then it is almost a foolproof money glitch. I would not like playing this way casually, but if you want acheves. I guess it subtracts a negative, which doubles the income. Instead of subtracting the profits when sold. Selling it each time and the game will increase your net weekly income with.none of the expenses. So you can literally take over a building, or buy it, then turn it into each of the 3 respective rackets. Before long, this will have 10k to 15k a week rolling in while owning nothing. I took over all the unaffiliated buildings in 2 neighborhoods, turning them to the best $$ making racket for my char, then selling them. Instead of the game balancing out its net income to 0. Take over all unclaimed rackets you can find and immediately sell them. If you have a bunch of rackets, sell them. To make game easier in the long run, there is currently an accounting bug.

Empire of sin cheats for xbox one